Integrity Pledge

Integrity Pledge is a citizen-driven document that serves as a key tool in the fight against corruption and efforts to promote and institutionalize integrity values in any society, especially in Liberia. It is a good-faith document to which interested individuals, groups, and institutions voluntarily sign-up to, committing and or recommitting to live and support a corruption-free life and uphold the principles of accountability, transparency, and integrity. It can be signed by individuals, groups, institutions, ordinary citizens, civil servants, government officials, NGO workers, business executives, and other individuals in society. Integrity Pledge (iPledge) is non-legally binding and cannot be used in any court of law to press charges against anyone for violating or failing to live by its contents. However, it serves as conscience-reminder about a worthy open commitment made to welcome and fully support anti-corruption and integrity building efforts.

The Pledge

 As a responsible citizen committed to building a strong and vibrant democracy characterized by integrity, accountability and transparency, I hereby recognize the following:

  • Corruption has been one of the major obstacles to economic, political and social progress of our country, Liberia;
  • As a citizen, I am a stakeholder and must stand up to uphold standards of honesty and integrity at all times and support the fight against corruption; and
  • My individual efforts can contribute to achieving greater change in the Liberian society;

With these I pledge:

  • To be a citizen committed to good governance, integrity, transparency, accountability, and the rule of law;
  • To preach and live a life of Integrity and good moral values and standing;
  • To take decisions objectively and impartially;
  • To always act for the good of everybody and put the interest of my community and Liberia above personal interest;
  • To detest, denounce, or reject Corruption where ever, whenever, and however it exists;
  • To report any act (s) of corruption identified to appropriate authorities or other recognized groups and institutions receiving such issues/complaints for action;
  • To train and educate others about corruption, its effects on society, and the need to collectively fight against it; and
  • To support the work of the Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL), the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC), and other government and non-government organizations helping to fight against corruption in Liberia.

Having read, understood, and agreed with the above stated benefits of individuals and collective efforts against corruption and bad governance, I hereby sign this Integrity Pledge committing or recommitting to fully support the fight against corruption in Liberia.

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22nd Street, Sinkor
Tubman Boulevard
Monrovia, Liberia
Phone: +231 88 681 8855



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