The Advocacy and Legal Advice Center (ALAC) is a walk-in, call-in and mail service where any person(s) can report cases of corruption in Liberia as well as obtain free and confidential legal advice. It is an independent platform that provides for citizens and witnesses of corruption to freely report acts of corruption where they see it happen.
ALAC is a flagship program of Transparency International and has made impact in the fight against corruption in over sixty (60) countries. It was first established in 2009 at the Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL) and re-introduced in 2020 under the National Integrity Building and Anti-Corruption (NIBA) program. Victims or witnesses of corruption reporting through this platform may choose to divulge their identity or remain anonymous. Meanwhile, all information reported are kept confidential and secure unless the reporter gives ALAC approva lto make public his or her identity. Email or contact information of anyone reporting is strictly kept by ALAC to be used for the purpose of working along with the reporter.