


Website URL: www.cental.org.lr
Tuesday, 14 December 2021 08:23

Two Teachers to Over Hundred Students

…The Story of the Mulbah Town Public School in Bomi County

-By Sam Z. Zota, Jr.

Marvee Kamara is the Principal while Mabudu K. Folley serves as the Vice Principal for Instruction (VPI). But the two men double as teachers for the one-hundred and nine (109) students at the Mulbah Town Public School, an elementary school in Bomi County. The number of students is likely to increase as registration is still ongoing. The school has an enrolment record of between one-sixty (160) to two hundred (200) students per semester.

While Mabudu who also serves as registrar is in charge of the Early Childhood Education (ECE), Marvee is busy from class to class, assigning daily lessons to students from grades one to six. The same is repeated during the administration of tests for the students.

“What we do here is, when I give lesson to the first graders, I move to the next class and do the same, and when I finish giving lesson to all the classes, I go back in the same order to start explaining the lesson,” said Marvee. The school runs from 8am to 1 pm. The utter disregard for place in assigning instructors and prioritizing needs could most likely serve as a contributing factor for this dreadful situation. The “one size fits all” approach that identifies a set of rules and ignores differences from place has affected education in rural Liberia.

As if having only two instructors is not enough, supplies allocated to the school to enhance the learning process are also inadequate. The school receives two boxes of chalks as supplies from the Ministry of Education through the office of the District Education Officer (DEO) yearly.

Marvee cited the lack of instructors and educational supplies as the major challenges confronting the school. Except for the latrine, the school edifice was recently painted through a school grant from the Global Partnership for Education (GPE). The GPE grant is usually disbursed by two installments at 60 and 40 percent. The total expected grant for the Mulbah Town Public School is eight-hundred United States dollars ($800USD) for the semester 2021/2022. The Mulbah Town Public School was constructed in 2017 at a cost of One Hundred and Ten Thousand United States Dollars (US$ 110,000.00) as one of the many projects implemented with the CSDF received from 2013-2017.

The situation is not unique to the Mulbah Town Public School, as most public schools across Liberia are faced with similar, some even worse, situations with students sitting on the floor to acquire education, a basic human right. Despite this, the Ministry of Education has been on a campaign massively retiring teachers. 

The Education Reform Act of 2011 obligates the Government to providing and ensuring access to, and increasing availability of high quality educational opportunities for all citizens and residents without prejudice. Unfortunately, the pace to achieving the Education Reform Act is rather slow.

In continuation of activities aimed at empowering citizens with relevant pieces of information to demand for and take actions against corruption in Liberia, the Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL), under its National Building and Anti-Corruption (NIBA) Program is determined to leave nowhere (community/sector) untouched.

CENTAL has placed engagements with ordinary citizens, including women, youths, students, community leaders, marketers at the core of its Programmes. The engagement exercises are held in the seven project-targeted Counties: Bong, Nimba, Montserrado, Grand Bassa, Bomi, Gbarpolu, and Rivercess in different selected communities, schools, intellectual centers, marketplaces, etc. It allows citizens to freely discuss issues about corruption and suggest mitigation measures.

Earlier today, November 22, 2021, one of such meetings was called by CENTAL’s County Field Officer (CFO), Matus Davis under a tree at the Cepres International University in the Chief Compound Community in Gbarnga, Bong County. A cross-section of citizens, including students, youths, women, markers, community leaders, and elderly people were in attendance.  

During the engagement, CENTAL’s Program Manager, Atty. Gerald D. Yeakula presented and opened for discussion, findings of CENTAL’s recently released State of Corruption Report (SCORE) 2021. The people were very enthusiastic about the SCORE findings and made salient inputs as well as advanced different suggestions to help curb corruption and promote the culture of integrity, accountability, and transparency in the country.

The citizens described the SCORE 2021 as a ‘true picture of the high level of corruption occurring across all sectors and services in Liberia, especially the health, education, judiciary, security, etc. The people shared practical experiences of how corruption in different sectors has affected them and their loved ones.

For Ma-Nyamah Molubah, she lost her grandchild as a result of corruption in medical service delivery at the C.B. Dumber Hospital in Gbarnga, Bong County. The C.B. Dumber is one of several Government-funded hospitals that should provide free services to the public, especially the underserved population. 

“My daughter was in labor pain and was taken to the CB Dumber Hospital for treatment. Because I never had money, my daughter left crying for help from the nurses and doctors on duty from the evening to the next morning requesting me to pay money before service. We left seeking attention and looking for money until the baby died in the girl’s stomach; and it at this point that they operated on her to get the dead baby out of her,” Ma-Nyamah explained.

Like Ma-Nyamah, Josephine Jackson said the act of corruption is habitually rotating in a cycle of what she called, “you do me, I do you, syndrome.” Josephine, a teacher, said if a teacher in any school solicits bribes from her kids, she will oblige and equally repeat the same against students under her jurisdiction as a payback.  

“The entire corruption business is about - you do me, I do you. If you sell pamphlets or ask my children to pay for assignments, I’ll pay but, I will also do the same to other students for me to get my money back. I’ll say, corruption is 100% high in the school/education sector,” Josephine said.           

The NIBA Program seeks to, among other things, empower citizens with relevant pieces of information to demand for and take actions against corruption in Liberia.

David Kerkulah, a student of the Cepres International University blamed desperation and poverty for the rampant corruption.

“Desperate people do desperate things. People engage in corruption and stealing because they are desperate for any opportunity that they can take advantage of to either out food on their tables; even if it means selling their voters’ cards for little or nothing,” Kerkulah said.

“How do you expect a person who depends on daily sales from potatoes green to feed their family find and return any amount of money? Or how do you tell this kind of person about integrity?” he asked. 

However, the citizens feel that despite their awful experiences in accessing different services (public and private), all is not lost. They equally proffered insightful recommendations to help curb the menace of corruption in the country.

High on the numeral recommendations proffered the people were: an end to impunity; prosecution of accused persons; regular supply, provision of needed logistics and robust supervision as well as monitoring; rotation of staff; timely payment of employees; motivation and support for employees serving outside Monrovia and in remote areas; increased awareness about corruption; collaboration, engagements, and empowerment of community-based organizations to join the fight, etc.  

According to the State of Corruption Report (SCORE) 2021, nine out of ten Liberians (90%) think that corruption is high and only two percent think that corruption is low, while eight percent believe that corruption is moderate.

In Grand Bassa, Gbarpolu, Nimba and Bong, 90% or more of the respondents think that corruption is high. Forty-two (42%) percent of the people cited rampant corruption allegations, while forty-one (41%) percent of the people decried lack of transparency and accountability in Government for increased corruption in the Country.

The SCORE stated that thirty (30%) percent of the people also cited lack of prosecution, while twenty-nine (29%) percent indicated that corruption is a custom in the country.

At the Bong Athletic and Social Intellectual Center, all of the attendees who participated in a discussion surrounding the SCORE said the Report is a true reflection of the actual awful state the menace of corruption in Liberia. The engagement exercises are held in the seven projects targeted Counties: Bong, Nimba, Montserrado, Grand Bassa, Bomi, Gbarpolu, and Rivercess in different selected communities, schools, intellectual centers, market places, etc. as part of activities under CENTAL’s NIBA Program, funded by the Embassy of Sweden through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). It allows citizens to freely discuss issues of corruption and suggest mitigation measures.

The meeting was witnessed by Johan Romare, Head of Development Cooperation at the Swedish Embassy in Liberia. He said the meeting afforded him the opportunity to learn and further understand how to fight corruption in Liberia. “The only way to change a country is when its people are changed,” Mr. Romare said.

In remarks, CENTAL’s Executive Director, Anderson Miamen thanked the people for the level of support to the fight against corruption in Liberia.

Mr. Miamen said although not strange, he was impressed by the level of support received and salient inputs and contributions made by the citizens during the engagement.

Earlier, the Community Chairman, James Y. Ricks welcomed the team. 

The Embassy of Sweden through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) funds the National Integrity Building and Anti-corruption {NIBA) Program under which the engagements are being held in seven of Liberia’s fifteen (15) Counties.


“You’re empowered to join and meaningfully contribute to fighting against corruption”
... CENTAL Boss Admonishes ACATP Graduates
Graduates of Cohort II of the Anti-Corruption Ambassadors Training Program (ACATP) have been admonished about their critical roles in helping Liberia to address corruption and reverse the negative trend and public perception about the fight against corruption in the country.
The Executive Director of the Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL), Anderson Miamen said impunity for corruption and other financial crimes do not augur well for citizens and partners’ confidence in the governance process, which is a key requirement for forging and sustaining mutually-benefiting partnerships for the government and the country at large.
Delivering the keynote address at the graduation exercise of Cohort II of the Liberia Civil Society Organization Anti-Corruption Coalition’s Anti-Corruption Ambassador Training Program held at the Tubman High School campus on Friday, November 12, 2021, Mr. Miamen stated that the ACATP is a worthy undertaking that is poised to greatly help in breading a generation of young men, young women and others who are not only trained to anti-corruption and integrity-related values and principles but are empowered to join and meaningfully contribute to the fight against corruption in Liberia.
He said the graduates have also been authorized by virtue of their certification, to contribute to efforts aimed at promoting and entrenching integrity values at all levels of the Liberian Society.
“The task is a tough one, but worthy of every ounce of energy and attention of yours and the Liberian populace at large. We need to consolidate efforts to promote and entrench anti-corruption values at all levels and in all places,” Director Miamen stated.
The ACATP is a flagship program of the Liberia Civil Society Organization Anti-Corruption Coalition.
Speaking earlier, the Executive Director of Integrity Watch Liberia, Herald Aiddoo told the graduates that they are poised to undertake a monumental task as Anti-Corruption Ambassadors to join the fight against the number enemy of Liberia, corruption.
Mr. Aidoo stated that the Anti-Corruption Ambassadors are joining the fight at a time the country is battling an epidemic of a strong desire for material wealth among young people, which is often satisfied through Corrupt and unorthodox means, at the expense of public interest. Furthermore, he said the desired change to making Liberia a better place rests with every Liberian citizen, including the Anti-Corruption Ambassadors.
In a brief remark, the Vice-Chairperson of the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC), Cllr. Kanio Bai Gbala told the graduates to be aware that everyone who stands accused is presumed innocent until proven otherwise in a court of competent jurisdiction.
Cllr. Gbala also informed the gathering that the reportage of the Liberian media is based on sensationalism, and as such, the graduates should guide against the consumption of media products.
The LACC Vice-Chairperson (Cllr. Kanio Gbala) is accused of conflict of interest for his reported involvement in a deal at the National Port Authority of Liberia. After several months, the matter is yet to be fully investigated by the Government of Liberia, especially the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission.

Things Fall Apart

-Mending a community on the brink of collapse

Corruption. The leader had brazenly indulged in it. The townspeople disavowed it. Hopes that it would be addressed fizzled with the passing of time. The local government could not confront it, and even the long-revered tradition wavered in its face. The unthinkable had happened. This time not in government but the community. A venerated community leader had engaged in corruption. The trust was broken and confidence betrayed.  Corruption now stood in the way of societal harmony. Residents no longer trusted town authority. There was minimum adherence to long-held customs. Indeed, things began to fall apart.  

Neegbein is a town located less than 3 kilometers from the commercial city of Ganta in Nimba County. Like other rural Liberian communities, the town has different measures and norms to control and regulate activities of its resident. Fines are imposed on violators and amounts generated from fines go toward community development. The town relied on its traditional method of saving funds with prominent individuals rather than saving with banks in Ganta just next door. Fear of bureaucracy associated with the banking process and the need for emergency interventions with the funds further justified keeping funds with prominent individuals within the community.

Nyan Gonquoi (not his real name) was entrusted with One hundred and Five Thousand Eight Hundred Liberian dollars (L$105,800) for safekeeping when he served as town chief of Neegbein. The said amount was raised through fines paid by violators. Out of the amount received, Sixty-One Thousand Liberian dollars (L$61,000) was withdrawn by the community for agreed expenditures, thereby leaving a balance of Forty-Four Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Liberian Dollars (LRD 44,750.00). By June 30, 2020, Nyan had failed to account for the remaining amount. Nyan was soon booted out as town chief. Further efforts to have him restitute the funds yielded no result.  

Due to his refusal to restitute the community money, members of the town became lawless as many could not accept to be held accountable since their former town Chief was not being held similarly. They resisted payments of fines and refused to contribute funds for the Community and other development purposes as a result of the defiant posture of their former Chief. 

Violators of long-established laws now benefited from impunity. Theft, domestic violence, disorderly conduct, etc. became frequent. But community members were still hopeful of finding an amicable solution to the matter. With traditional dispute resolution mechanisms failing, and local government also failing to act on their complaint, they began to look externally for an answer to their accountability nightmare. 

On July 19, 2021, Saye Zarwolo, a member of Neegbein community, tuned to CENTAL’s Integrity Watch Radio Program, via a local radio station in Nimba. Upon hearing of a mechanism to report corruption and integrity-related issues through a toll-free hotline (4432), Saye took immediate advantage of the opportunity and contacted CENTAL’s Advocacy and Legal Advice Center (ALAC). 

The next day, CENTAL-ALAC dispatched a team to the community to better understand the situation. Separate meetings were held with the accused Chief and other stakeholders. There was confusion over the outstanding balance in the possession of Nyan (the former Chief). To resolve this, CENTAL proposed a meeting to ensure that the records are properly reconciled. A week later, the meeting took place and it was confirmed that Forty-Four Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Liberian Dollars (LRD 44,750.00) was the amount needed to be restituted. But Chief Nyan would not assure the community of the refund.

A meeting was called on August 14, 2021, with the aim of amicably resolving the matter. CENTAL provided technical support to the community to invite the District Commissioner and other key personalities to the meeting. At the meeting, Chief Nyan admitted to his wrongdoing and promised to have the money refunded. 

The townspeople insisted that a reputable person guarantees the repayment. Following consultation, Chief Nyan brought forward a guarantor who promised to repay the amount in the event that the Chief fails to do so. It was then agreed that amount be restituted in six (6) installments, beginning September 15, 2021. True to his commitment, the first payment has been made to the community. Community members have begun to respect town laws including payment of fines. 

“What was going on in this town was causing a lot of problems for us, we thank you people [CENTAL] for bringing us together to look into this money business,” Kou Deninikor, Chairlady of Neegbein Women. 

This is what Shelton Guraseah, Development Chairman of Neegbein had to say: “With the Chief agreeing to his wrongdoing and promising to fully make payment, a great step has been taken. We thank CENTAL for helping us reach this stage.” 

CENTAL is now supporting the community to open an account with a local bank in the County. Harmony has returned, peace reigns and the community is holding together. Thanks to the Government of Sweden through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) for the support. 

‘90% Liberian Think Corruption Is High In Liberia’

…CENTAL State of Corruption Report Reveals

The Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL) has launched its State of Corruption (SCORE) Report 2021, with nine of ten Liberians thinking that corruption remains high in Liberia, with lack of confidence in the public sector to address it.

The report stated that corruption level is high with majority of the respondents not having confidence in the Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary branches of government to fight the menace.

Presenting the Report Tuesday, September 28, 2021 at the Cape Hotel in Mamba Point, CENTAL’s Program Manager, Attorney Gerald D. Yeakula said nearly eight in ten seventy-six percent of the respondents witnessed corruption either through observation or participation over the last 12 months, with bribery being the most form of corruption witnessed.

According to Atty. Yeakula, medical services were ranked in the Report as the most prone to corruption, followed by Police services. Females were amongst the majority of people who identified medical services as the most prone to corruption.

The SCORE Report stated that out of the respondents who witnessed corruption, only twenty-five percent reported it and the rest said they didn’t report due to various reasons, ranging from retaliation, fear of losing jobs, amongst others.

The research work also identified that public resources that are channeled through the national budget end up in the pockets of public officials through direct payments, indirect payments, or backdoor deals with offices of top government officials remain heavily supported whilst institutions at the forefront of the fight against corruption are poorly funded.

In the Judiciary, the State of Corruption Report indicated that bribery and extortion often play a role in obtaining favorable court decisions; stating that judges reportedly extort or receive bribes before releasing criminal defendants without bail.

The SCORE Report recommended, among other things that: The Government of Liberia ensures accountability for abuses of power; build people’s trust and ensure participation; safeguard independence and effectiveness of integrity institutions; prevent favouritism in service delivery and public contracting; protect those reporting corruption; increase transparency around public spending; strengthen the judiciary; improve legislative oversight and accountability; improve participation, inclusion, and coordination.


In remarks at the program, Ambassador of Sweden in Liberia, Urban Sjöström commended the Government of Liberia for the political will in establishing integrity institutions and welcomed further investment and support to these independent institutions. Amb. Sjöström lauded CENTAL for the State of Corruption Report and welcomed further dialogue with all stakeholders regarding the findings and recommendations of the Report.

Officially launching the Report, CENTAL’s Board Chair and Dean of the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law at the University of Liberia, Cllr. T. Negbalee Warner said the Report was done in line with international standards, like the United States Department, Transparency International Corruption Perception Index and other Reports that are usually released by International Organizations and Governments.

Cllr. Warner called for constructive dialogue with key government and other actors on the findings and recommendations of the Report.

He thanked the Ambassadors, public officials, civil society organizations, the media and citizens for gracing the occasion and encourage them to work together in demanding the needed political will to fight corruption in the country.

The report was welcomed by all stakeholders and partners who spoke at the launching ceremony, including panelists who discussed the SCORE Report. They praised CENTAL for such a professional piece of Research work on the state of corruption in Liberia.

Various speakers emphasized the need for the Government of Liberia, civil society and other actors to do more by showing increased political will and commitment to the fight against Corruption in the country. Particularly, the Government of Liberia was admonished to lead by example in the process, in part through increasing budgetary support to public integrity institutions and impartially investigating and prosecuting Corruption cases and complaints.

CENTAL Launches State of Corruption Report 2021...

The Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL) has launched its State of Corruption Report 2021, with nine of ten Liberians thinking that corruption remains high in Liberia, with lack of confidence in the public sector to address it.

The report stated that corruption level is high with majority of the respondents not having confidence in the Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary branches of government to fight the menace.

Presenting the Report Tuesday, September 28, 2021, at the Cape Hotel in Mamba Point, CENTAL’s Program Manager, Attorney Gerald D. Yeakula said nearly eight in ten seventy-six percent of the respondents witnessed corruption either through observation or participation over the last 12 months, with bribery being the most form of corruption witnessed.

According to Atty. Yeakula, medical services were ranked in the Report as the most prone to corruption, followed by Police services. Females were amongst the majority of people who identified medical services as the most prone to corruption.

The report stated that out of the respondents who witnessed corruption, only twenty-five percent reported it and the rest said they didn’t report due to various reasons, ranging from retaliation, fear of losing jobs, amongst others.

The research work also identified that public resources that are channeled through the national budget end up in the pockets of public officials through direct payments, indirect payments, or backdoor deals with offices of top government officials remain heavily supported whilst institutions at the forefront of the fight against corruption are poorly funded.

The report was welcomed by all stakeholders and partners present at the launching ceremony. Various speakers emphasized the need for the Government of Liberia, civil society and other actors to do more by showing increased political will and commitment to the fight against Corruption in the country. Particularly, the Government of Liberia was admonished to lead by example in the process, in part through increasing budgetary support to public integrity institutions and impartially investigating and prosecuting Corruption cases and complaints.

Special thanks to the Amb. Urban Sjostrom, Embassy of Sweden in Monrovia; Amb. Malcolm A. McCarthy, US Embassy near Monrovia, Government Integrity Institutions, Civil Society Actors, The Media, Students' Representation, the Panelists, the Moderator, and CENTAL's Board Chairperson, Cllr. T. Nagbalee Warner, and all those who graced the Report launch.

Last Friday, September 3, 2021, CENTAL’s Executive Director Anderson D. Miamen and Sam Z. Zota, Jr, Media and Communications Officer/ CENTAL attended a one-day Awareness and Engagement with Media and Civil Society Organizations organized by the Public Procurement and Concession Commission (PPCC) in Kakata, Margibi County. 


The Executive Director of the Center and Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL), Anderson D. Miamen says procurement remains one of the major risk areas where doubtful deeds usually occur, and as such, the need to create massive public awareness and understanding about the process cannot be overemphasized. 

Mr. Miamen said there is an ever-pressing need to improve transparency and accountability in all procurement processes and collaboration with the media and civil society organizations to help expose and discourage all forms of waste and abuse in procurement is cardinal.

Making remarks at the opening of a Public Procurement awareness and engagement with the media and civil society organizations organized by the Procurement and Concessions Commission (PPCC) with support from the United Nations Development Programmes (UNDP), Mr. Miamen said CENTAL as one of the lead CSOs in the fight against corruption and integrity building in the country remains committed to advocating for transparency, accountability and integrity in all sectors, including public and other procurement processes. The one-day event held at the Kakata City Hall in Kakata, Margibi County brought together over forty (40) participants from the media and CSOs.

The CENTAL Boss called on the PPCC and the participants to see the collaboration as a valuable tool that will increase awareness about procurement processes and build public trust in those processes. He promised to share the soft copy of the Anti-Corruption Handbook recently launched by CENTAL with all participants to assist them access nearly all anti-graft laws in a single space. 

In her presentation, the Chief Executive Officer of the PPCC, Atty. Jargbe Roseline Nagbe-Kowo said the partnership and collaboration with the media and CSOs among other things, seeks to - generate public interests in procurement procedures and governance issues, track the benefits of public contracts to communities, amongst others.

Atty. Nagbe-Kowo stated that the partnership will also increase citizens’ trusts and support as well as ensure ownership and accountability of the process.     

Speaking earlier, the PPCC Director of Communication, Nathan N. Bengu said the PPCC remains very keen to working with the media and CSOs to further enhance its work and increase public awareness about procurement processes and laws.

Mr. Bengu said even though the media has over the years been reporting about procurement processes, but much more needed to be done in providing further details on procurement issues and the laws controlling procurement processes in the country.  He said the one-day event, therefore, intends to expose the media and CSOs to efforts that have been made by the PPCC so far in gravitating from paper procurement to e-procurement or online procurement process. 

Meanwhile, in his presentation, PPCC Director of Compliance, Himmie E. Langford said the PPCC currently has in its employ only eighteen (18) compliance officers clothed with the responsibility of ensuring compliance with all procuring entities across the country, which indicates the understaffing of the PPCC, especially the Compliance Department. As such, Mr. Langford stated that the need for fostering meaningful partnership and collaboration with the media, CSOs and all other key sectors in there remains vital.

According to him, CENTAL is one of the CSOs in the country that is already manifesting the needed partnership and collaboration through meaningful engagements and supports, especially the revitalization of the national Integrity Forum (NIF) and other initiatives aimed at buttressing the efforts of integrity institutions and others in the fight against corruption in Liberia.



Monrovia, Friday, August 6, 2021 - A collection of Liberia Anti-Corruption Statutes has been launched by the Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL), the National Chapter of Transparency International (TI).

The Book compiled all anti-corruption legislations in Liberia into a single book for easy access by researchers and the people of Liberia. Dubbed “A Compendium of Anti-Corruption Statutes”, the initial draft of the Handbook was validated in May of this year at an event attended by diverse stakeholders in Monrovia, including but not limited to representatives from government, civil society, media, private sector, and public integrity institutions.

The initiative was made possible by CENTAL with support from the Government of Sweden through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).

Officially launching the book Thursday, August 5, 2021, at the Bella Casa Hotel in Monrovia, the Head of Development Cooperation at the Embassy of Sweden, Johan Romare, said it was a laudable venture for CENTAL to work with other national stakeholders/partners to undertake such an innovative initiative that will further enhance the fight against corruption in Liberia.

He said the Government of Sweden through its Embassy in Monrovia cherishes its partnership with CENTAL as the Organization continues to play a very critical role in the fight against corruption and integrity in Liberia.

“Sweden is very happy to partner with CENTAL. We know that CENTAL is playing a very important role in the fight against corruption in Liberia,” Mr. Romare said.

In remarks earlier, the Chairman of the Law Reform Commission (LRC), Counsellor Boakai N. Kanneh said the compendium is a very useful tool for the fight against corruption as it allows auditors, investigators, and other actors to easily access different laws from a single document.

Cllr. Kanneh thanked CENTAL for the compilation exercise and called on anti-graft institutions and stakeholders to use the book to inform their works and research activities. He called on the Government of Liberia to muster the political will in the fight against corruption in the country.

“There must be political will in the fight against corruption; mere pronouncements are not sufficient…” Cllr. Kanneh noted. 

The Law Reform Commission Chairman also blasted members of the 54th National Legislature for allocating US$30,000.00 to themselves for “legislative engagement projects” with absolutely no instituted mechanism for transparency and accountability.

In separate remarks, representatives of Public Integrity Institutions and civil society organizations at the ceremony lauded CENTAL for the compilation as it will help to further enhance their works.

Also speaking, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of CENTAL, Cllr. T. Negbalee Warner paid special tribute to the Government and people of Sweden for their continuous support not only to CENTAL, but to the Government of Liberia through different projects and programs.

Cllr. Warner also lauded the Government of Liberia through the different integrity institutions and civil society organizations for their partnership with CENTAL over the years.

“We (CENTAL) don’t just condemn and criticize, but we foster partnership; we support and help solve problems,” the CENTAL Board Chairman said. 

Cllr. Warner, who is also the Dean of the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law at the University of Liberia (UL), also described the disbursement of US$30,000.00 to lawmakers as ‘official corruption’ and encouraged civil society organizations in the country to challenge the legitimacy of the process before the Supreme Court of Liberia.

The NIBA program is a 3.5-year program funded by the Government of Sweden through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) that is engaging every sector of the Liberian society to increase citizens’ awareness and understanding of corruption and other related issues and to demand for accountability at all levels. Engagements are being held at the community level as well as with national government. It covers seven counties – Bong, Nimba, Grand Bassa, Rivercess, Bomi, Gbarpolu and Montserrado.  

Tuesday, 03 August 2021 20:33

SIDA Provides CENTAL Additional Support


Press Release:

SIDA Provides CENTAL Additional Support...

Monrovia, Tuesday, August 3, 2021-The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), represented by its Embassy in Monrovia, has again demonstrated its commitment to the fight against corruption in Liberia by increasing support to the National Integrity Building and Anti-Corruption (NIBA) Program implemented by the Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL).


Nearly a year ago (August 5, 2020), CENTAL and SIDA signed a 3.5-year agreement for the implementation of the NIBA program across seven (7) counties in Liberia.  


Making remarks at the signing ceremony of the amended agreement on Tuesday, August 3, 2021, CENTAL Executive Director, Mr. Anderson D. Miamen, noted that since the roll-out of the NIBA Program and throughout the implementation of its inception phase, SIDA has shown unprecedented degree of flexibilities in granting and approving suggestions and requests made by CENTAL to adjustments to different activities in the NIBA Program.


Earlier, the Head of Development Cooperation at the Embassy of Sweden in Monrovia, Johan Romare said CENTAL has been seen as a very strategic partner to the Embassy in its quest to fight corruption and promote good governance in Liberia. 


“CENTAL is very key to Liberia; from our assessment so far, you represent civil society organizations in holding government accountable, and you are doing it in a very strategic way…,” Romare said.


The Embassy’s Head of Development Cooperation further stated: “You’re the eyes, feet, hand and everything for the Embassy. You’re the change-maker and we are happy for you.”


The amendment allows CENTAL to purchase another vehicle to implement its NIBA Program in seven counties - Montserrado, Bong, Nimba, Grand Bassa, Rivercess, Bomi and Gbarpolu. The Program seeks to among other things, empower citizens with relevant pieces of information to demand for and take action against corruption in Liberia.          


For further information:

Sam Zota, Jr./

Media & Communications Officer/CENTAL

0886474563/0770175162/This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Buchanan City, Grand Bassa County, Saturday, July 31, 2021- The Dean of the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law at the University of Liberia (UL) and Chair of the Board of Directors of the Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL) has lauded the management and staff for the level of progress achieved so far in the implementation of the National Integrity Building and Anti-Corruption (NIBA) Program.

Counselor T. Negbalee Warner said as the Team completes the first phase of the NIBA program and gears up for the second phase, it was very important for the team to guide themselves against complacencies and mediocrities, despite the gains made so far.

Making special remarks at the ongoing Retreat (Joint Review Leaning and Sharing 2021) in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County, Cllr. Warner said activities implemented so far under the NIBA program show positive results that need to be built upon and maintained.

“I want to thank you and tell you that you’ve far exceeded my expectation with your performances here and over time. You have really proven yourselves wealthy of our commendations and compliments”, Dean Warner said.

The results of the first phase of the NIBA program have been summed up into Nine (9) key results achieved: Increased knowledge around anti-corruption issues; Increased reporting of corruption; Increased Visibility; Strengthened relationships with stakeholders; Established Structures; Increased influence; Enhanced commitment to Integrity and Anti-Corruption work; Enhanced Gender equity; and Strengthened capacity to perform.

The different program interventions were rolled out through five key areas/activities – Advocacy and Legal Advice Center (ALAC); National Integrity Forum (NIF); Youth Engagement Program - Integrity Club (IClub); Open Expenditure Initiatives (OEI); and Media and Communications.

For his part, CENTAL’s Executive Director Anderson D. Miamen thanked the Board of Director for being very supportive of the Team’s work, especially in the implementation of the NIBA program.

NIBA is a 3.5-year program funded by the Government of Sweden through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) that’s engaging every sector of the Liberian society to increase citizens’ awareness and understanding of corruption and other related issues and to demand for accountability at all levels. Engagements are being held at the community level as well as the national government. It covers seven counties – Bong, Nimba, Grand Bassa, Rivercess, Bomi, Gbarpolu and Montserrado.  

Press Release

Buchanan City, Grand Bassa County, Thursday, July 29, 2021- The Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL) has commenced a three-day retreat to reflect on lessons learned, impacts and challenges experienced during the implementation of the inception phase of its National Integrity Building and Anti-Corruption (NIBA) Program.

Held under the theme: ‘Reflecting and Planning for Greater Impact,’ the retreat seeks to improve organizational performance through reflection on successes and challenges in the inception phase of the NIBA Program implementation as well as to collectively plan and develop an agenda for the upcoming phase of the Program.

Speaking at the opening of the retreat being held at Hotel Buchanan in Grand Bassa County on Thursday, July 29, 2021, CENTAL’s Executive Director Anderson Miamen lauded the staff for their continuous contributions to the work and viability of the Organization in the implementation of the first/inception phase of its National Integrity Building and Anti-Corruption Program.

He urged them to beware of their roles and responsibilities in the fight against corruption and integrity building in Liberia and the challenges involved in the process. The CENTAL Boss also thanked the Board of Directors for their unflinching support to work of the Team over the period and looks forward to more support for the years ahead.

Mr. Miamen equally admonished the staff to further prepare themselves for the task ahead in the implementation of the second phase of the NIBA Program.

The retreat will cover presentations on different aspects of the NIBA Program including: Monitoring and Evaluation; Youth Engagement Program- IClub; Media and Communications; Open Expenditure Forum; and the Advocacy and Legal Advice Center. Presentations will also be delivered on the National Integrity Forum, Finances, Revised Institutional Documents as well as engagements by County Field Officers at the local level.


The Chair of the Board of Directors, Cllr. T. Negbalee Warner is expected to grace the retreat and further encourage the staff as they gear up to implement the second phase of the NIBA Program.

The NIBA Program is a 3.5-year project targeting seven counties – Montserrado, Bong, Nimba, Grand Bassa, Rivercess, Bomi, and Gbarpolu. It seeks to among other things, empower citizens with relevant pieces of information to demand for and take action against corruption in Liberia.


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Email: info@cental.org.lr
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