
News (93)

Thursday, March 04, 2021 - The Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL) expresses grave concern over recent allegations of corruption involving the Vice-Chairperson of the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC), Cllr. Kanio Bai Gbala and Executive Director, Mohammed E. Fahnbulleh. Such allegations are extremely troubling and damaging to the image of an institution of Government leading the fight against the cancer of corruption in Liberia.

If the LACC must maintain its credibility as an entity of Government mandated to investigate and prosecute acts of corruption, as well as educate the public about the ills of corruption and the benefits of its eradication, the Commission and the Government of Liberia must do everything to ensure that the allegations are timely investigated to establish the truthfulness or falsity of the matter.

Ladies and gentlemen of the Press, upon learning of the LACC corruption saga, CENTAL reached out to the Commission to inquire about claims and counterclaims raised by the parties including, but not limited to, unlawful salary payments, unaccountability of cash advances received, purchase of Government property, amongst others.

Also, we reached out to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to get clarity on the date and other facts regarding the resignation of Cllr. Kanio Bai Gbala, who is alleged to have been within their employ while simultaneously being paid by the Liberia Anti-Corruption Corruption, during the latter part of 2019. We wish to inform the public that we have received positive feedback from these institutions. Both the LACC and UNDP have launched separate investigations to establish the facts, which we hope will be timely communicated to the public.

However, while we welcome the LACC’s internal investigation, we strongly believe that such grave allegations involving senior officials of the Commission cannot be left to the institution alone to investigate.

Therefore, we call on President George Manneh Weah to constitute an independent committee to timely investigate the matter and inform the public about its outcomes. If not timely and properly investigated and the recommendations fully implemented, these allegations may detract from the goodwill anti-corruption institutions have received from the public over the years, including dampening public confidence in the country’s leading anti-corruption institution.

Distinguished ladies and gentlemen of the Press, fellow Liberians, in the wake of the resignation of its former chairperson, Cllr. Ndubuisi Nwabudike, currently, the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission has an all-male Board of Commissioners, thus falling short of the gender sensitivity provided for in section six (6) of the LACC Act. With all three (3) Commissioners being males, the need for ensuring gender mainstreaming at the highest level of the Commission cannot be overly emphasized.

Also, given that the LACC has been in the media for all the wrong reasons lately, especially claims and counterclaims about the citizenship and credibility of the immediate past chairperson and allegations of corruption involving its vice-chairperson, in the spirit of collaboration and partnership, as provided for in section 6.2 of the LACC Act, CENTAL urges President George Manneh Weah to widely consult with critical stakeholders (civil society and development partners) in making new nominations at the LACC.

And that qualified females should be strongly considered in such appointments to avoid an all-male and gender-biased Board of Commissioners, in violation of section 6.3 of the 2008 LACC Act. In part, the above will help to increase public confidence in and support for the leadership and work of the Commission. Also, they will somehow satisfy minimum requirements for making key appointments at anti-corruption and integrity institutions whose leaderships and key staff must be independent as well as enjoy the full confidence and support of the public.

To conclude, CENTAL reassures the public of her commitment to the fight against corruption and call on citizens to remain constructively engaged in demanding for and taking actions against corruption in Liberia. Also, we reiterate the call for a sincere, genuine, and impartial fight against corruption in the country.

                                                                                                           Press Statement for Immediate Release

Wednesday, February 10, 2021


 Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press, the Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL) expresses delight over the Supreme Court ruling affirming the judgment of the First Judicial Circuit Court Criminal Assizes “C” in the case Republic of Liberia v. J. Brownie Samukai et al, holding the Defendants guilty of the crimes of Theft of Property, Criminal Conspiracy, and Misuse of Public Money in respect of funds contributed by men and women of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) towards the AFL Pension Fund.

Members of the Press, fellow citizens, one and all, while we hold that the Court missed an opportunity to call corruption by its name, we are however optimistic about the decision of the Court for the following reasons:

  • The Court’s unambiguous exposition of key corruption issues, including its reference to “integrity” and the “universal principle of accountability”. We believe that the Court’s acknowledgment and elaboration of these concepts represent a significant step in mainstreaming the fight against corruption at the highest levels of society as well as entrenching integrity values.


  • The Court’s admonition that public officials “must have legal reliance and a legal basis” for the fulfillment of both their “statutory responsibilities as laid down by statute” and their “special duties as commanded by the head of state/president”. Expanding on this point, the Court explained that a public official is required to perform and implement the commander-in-chief/President’s orders with public funds as budgeted by the government in accordance with the government budget process. We are of the opinion that this position by the Court presents a teaching moment to public officials who go to any lengths to endear themselves to the Presidency or any authorized individuals at the expense of our laws and public interest. We further agree with the Court that a Minister or Public Official receiving Presidential orders, whose obedience requires violation of an existing policy or law, has a duty to advise the President or cause the Minister of Justice to advise the President and “that if the President insists on the implementation of the illegal order, the Minister has the option to disobey the President and honorably resign his position with integrity.” While the ruling of the Court references the presidency due to the facts presented by the case under review, we strongly believe that it applies to other public officials and individuals taking instructions from their superiors. This, we believe, sends a very clear message that the utmost duty of public service is the state and its people and not the power-that-be.

We applaud the Court for its decision and further urge it to decide corruption cases with an even higher speed. Appeals to the Supreme Court has long been used to stifle justice, especially in corruption-related cases. The Court must therefore exert all efforts to ensure that cases are speedily determined according to the due process of law, ensuring that the rights of all accused persons are respected and protected.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press, we would like to use this opportunity to also call on President George M. Weah to timely appoint the Executive Chairperson of the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission, the government entity leading the fight against corruption in the country. We call for broad-based consultation with civil society, development partners, and other critical stakeholders in processes leading to the recruitment of the next LACC chairperson and officials of other public integrity institutions, including but not limited to the New Auditor General (AG) of the Republic of Liberia. Increased stakeholders’ confidence in those appointed or recruited to key positions of public trust, especially at anti-corruption and integrity institutions is essential to receiving the required moral and financial support as well as cooperation to effectively and efficiently perform.

To conclude, we reiterate our commitment to supporting the fight against corruption in Liberia and overall national integrity building efforts. Also, we call for strong collaboration and partnership between government and other stakeholders, especially ordinary citizens with critical roles in denouncing corruption, demanding accountability from their leaders, as well as providing moral support to public integrity institutions and other key anti-corruption actors.



Wednesday, 20 January 2021 10:14

CENTAL To Mentor Investigative Journalists

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Request for Application Journalists
Monrovia, Liberia; January 19, 2021- The Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL) is set to roll out an anti-corruption & Investigative reporting mentoring program as part of its National Integrity Building and Anti-Corruption (NIBA) Program funded by the Government and People of Sweden through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).
The program has gotten underway with the launch of the recruitment exercise for potential and interested journalists.
The anti-corruption & integrity-related investigative reporting program seeks to empower journalists to investigate and independently report on corruption and integrity-related issues in Liberia. The program aims to build a network of journalists from diverse backgrounds to actively be involved with relevant project activities as part of broader partnership and collaboration with the media in consolidating efforts against corruption in the country.
Under its National Integrity Building and Anti- Corruption (NIBA) Program, CENTAL intends to establish a network of at least twenty (20) members to be drawn from the print and electronic media including community radios.
The program will rotationally provide minimum financial support (mini-grant) to the network members to enable them independently investigate and report on corruption-related issues, especially in the seven project targeted counties - Montserrado, Bong, Nimba, Bomi, Gbarpolu, Grand Bassa, and Rivercess.
Annually, each of the journalists will be required to produce a minimum of three (3) investigative reports/stories, except for the inception phase which requires a minimum of two (2) stories per reporter. The stories will cover longstanding and trending issues targeting key sectors identified and selected based on their vulnerability to corruption, especially the extent to which citizens’ access to public services and decision-making have been consistently undermined by corruption in the country - including education, energy, construction/road, health and land.
The program is open to all who are working as journalists working with various media institutions in and around Monrovia as well as Community Radio Stations across Liberia with solid experience reporting on social issues and must be skilled in one of the following areas: broadcast journalism; digital/print journalism; photojournalism; social media; video editing; fluency in English and should be based/working in Liberia and passionate about reporting corruption and integrity-related issues.
Applicants are also encouraged to complete a bio-data form along with a 600-worded motivational essay to explain why the applicant wants to participate in the program and how it would strengthen their journalistic skills and media organizations; a letter of recommendation from the applicant’s supervisor as well as one work sample to show the applicant’s knack for investigative reporting. Applications can be sent through email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and the deadline for submitting applications is Thursday, January 28, 2021.
CENTAL is a civil society organization and national chapter of Transparency International (TI), the global coalition against corruption with chapters and networks in more than 120 countries worldwide. Since 2004, the organization has led and sustained active civil society engagement with integrity building and anti-corruption efforts in Liberia. CENTAL’s work focuses on governance, with emphasis on transparency, accountability, and fighting against corruption. This allows us to work on issues related to Education, Land, Mining, Rule of Law, Public Finance, etc.
Contact person:
Sam Z. Zota, Jr.
Media & Communications Officer
Center for Transparency & Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL)
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: +231886474563/0770175162

Sunday, 10 January 2021 17:05

Sara Beysolow Nyanti Becomes CENTAL Board Member

Sunday, 10 January 2021 07:05

CENTAL Ends Strategic Planning Retreat

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CENTAL Ends Strategic Planning Retreat

The Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL) has completed a two-day retreat aimed at reviewing the successes and challenges experienced by the Organization in 2020 and to strategically plan for the improvement of its overall performance in the New Year. Held at the Tropicana Beach and Resort from January 7 to 8, the event was intended to reflect on and review lessons learned from 2020; enhance staffs’ capacity in project design and implementation; increase internal coordination, information sharing and collaboration; as well as to equip staffs with the needed document and tools for timely reporting.

During closing ceremonies, staffs of the Organization were lauded for their commitment to serve their country through CENTAL over the years and encouraged to work even harder for the building of integrity and the promotion of transparency and accountability across all sectors of the country. CENTAL Board Chairman, Cllr. T. Negbalee Warner, said the retreat was necessary to allow the Organization plan properly to effectively and efficiently execute the task of fighting corruption and bad governance in Liberia. 

Cllr. Warner stated that continuous capacity building remains very critical to the survival as well as enhancement of productivity, efficiency and growth of the Organization. He said making Liberia better and a corruption free nation requires the honest effort of everyone including staffs of CENTAL who have signed off to a pledge of fighting the menace of corruption and to build a culture of transparency and accountability in Liberia. 

Cllr. Warner , who is also Dean of the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law at the University of Liberia, lauded the Management of CENTAL through its Executive Director, Anderson D. Miamen for the exceptional leadership role in leading the Organization in the right trajectory over the years.   

For his part, Director Miamen lauded the staff for the level of commitment and dedication shown over time as well as their expressed willingness to always acquire new skills for the improvement of their individual capacity as well as the operational capacity of the Organization.   

He told staffs to return to their respective places of assignment with renewed dynamism and further commitment to achieving the organization’s targets for 2021.  Also speaking, the Program Manager of CENTAL, Gerald D. Yeakula thanked the County Field Officers (CFOs) for attending the retreat despite short notice. He said that the participation of the CFOs is a demonstration of their commitment to the organization and rallied them to remain diligent in the performance of their duties.

The retreat brought together CENTAL’s central office staffs and CFOs from seven counties: Montserrado, Bong, Nimba, Grand Bassa, Rivercess, Gbarpolu and Bomi. The retreat was held under the theme: “Reflecting and Planning for Greater Impact.” With funding from the Government and people of Sweden through the Swedish International Development Corporation Agency (SIDA), CENTAL is currently implementing a three-year National Integrity Building and Anti-Corruption (NIBA) Program in seven counties: Montserrado, Bong, Nimba, Grand Bassa, Rivercess, Gbarpolu and Bomi. 




Press Statement for Immediate Release

Thursday, December 10, 2020 


Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press, in our press release issued on yesterday, Wednesday, December 9, in commemoration of the International Anti-Corruption Day (IACD 2020), we reiterated our commitment to thefight against corruption in Liberiaand urged the Government of Liberia to show concrete commitment to the fight by providing adequate moral, financial, and logistical support to public integrity institutions and ensuring timely and impartial prosecution of those accused of corruption.

On the heels of this pronouncement, however, a damning report was issued by the United States Department of Treasury, designating perpetrators of corruption and serious human rights abuses, especially in Liberia. Grand Cape Mount County Senator, Cllr. H. Varney G. Sherman, was listed as a government official being either responsible for or complicit in, or directly or indirectly engaged in corruption, including the misappropriation of state assets, the expropriation of private assets for personal gain, corruption related to government contracts or the extraction of natural resources, or bribery. Particularly, the report states that Senator Sherman offered bribes to multiple judges associated with his trial for the 2010 Sable Mining bribery scheme, and that he had an undisclosed conflict of interest with the judge who ultimately returned a not guilty verdict in July 2019. It is further asserted that the Senator routinely paid judges to decide cases in his favor, and allegedly facilitated payments to Liberian politicians to support impeachment of a judge who has ruled against him.  As a consequence of this designation, Cllr. Sherman has been sanctioned with implications to property interests and transactions in the United States. 

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press, this report comes only three (3) months after the United States Department of State publicly designated Mr. Andrew Wonplo, former Director of Passport and Visas at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for involvement in significant corruption. According to the Department of State, in his official capacity at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 2018 to 2019, Mr. Wonplo was involved in passport fraud that undermined the rule of law, reduced the Liberian public’s faith in their government’s management of identification and travel documents, and compromised the integrity and security of immigration processes.

Taken together, a strange parallel can be drawn from the Sherman-Wonplo scenario. Both men had been arrested on corruption-related charges and processed through our justice system. Sherman’s case was dismissed because, according the Judge, the prosecution did not prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt as stated in the indictment, and that the testimonies of the prosecution witnesses were nothing but “hearsay”.[1]Wonplo’s case, however, was dismissed due to failure by the prosecution team at the Ministry of Justice to prosecute the matter.[2]In spite of these happenings, nonetheless, the United States government continues to raise red flags concerning acts of corruption in Liberia and the vulnerabilities of our justice system.

We welcome the actions of the United States as a step in the right direction, as it has the proclivity to move state actors to take concrete actions against corruption, including but not limited to increasing public awareness of the dangers of corruption, strengthening legal frameworks (laws, policies, and institutions) to fight against it as well as timely and impartial prosecution of accused corrupt individuals. For instance, a new indictment was issued for Mr. Andrew Wonplo following the action of the U.S. Government. While we believe that such knee-jerk reactions by the Liberian government does little to demonstrate sincerity in the fight against corruption, we are convinced that recent measures by the U.S. Government and other partners are doing well to send a very strong message and deterrent to those occupying positions of trust and responsibility, especially those manning our justice system.

Furthermore, We call on the Government of Liberia, especially the Judiciary, to investigate reported payment and receipt of bribe by Judges in the case involving Cllr. Varney Sherman. Such grave report and allegation should not be taken lightly by the administration, in the wake of appropriate initial actions by our partners. Such reported judicial corruption, especially in the Sable Mining Case, undermine its enviable position of independence, fairness, and upholding of the rule of law. These actions also violate the Judicial canons and the code of moral and professional ethics of lawyers. Also, we call on the Liberian Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) to investigate reports of corruption and bribery involving Cllr. Sherman and members of the national Legislature in respect of the impeachment of Justice Kabina J’aneh. 

Finally, we reiterate call for increased moral and financial support to public integrity institutions to enable them independently and effectively operate. Also, we call for increased citizens’ engagement with the fight corruption in the country as well as the independent civil society and the media that are critical players. 


Signed: Management




Monrovia, Liberia: December 04, 2020- The Board Chairman of the Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL) says tackling the menace of corruption in Liberia requires more robust and concerted efforts of every citizen as well as actors in the private and public sectors. 

Cllr. Negbalee Warner said there is a need to foster partnership and stronger collaborations in the fight against corruption as it remains a battle that cannot be easily won by a single institution or sector of the country. 

Cllr. Warner is also the Dean of the Arthur Grimes School of Law at the University of Liberia (UL). He made the statement recently in Monrovia at a program marking the observance of the 2020 International Anti-Corruption Day (IACD).  

Held under the theme: “Reducing Corruption in the Private Sector as a Drive to Enhancing Economic Development and Good Governance,” the program was organized by the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) in collaboration with the Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL) with support from the Government and people of Sweden through the Swedish International Development Corporation Agency (SIDA).  

"In order to tackle the menace of corruption, we, at CENTAL have embarked on building a partnership. We need collaboration and partnership in fighting corruption because it will take more than an institution or sector to fight. This can't be a government alone thing; it is the responsibility of every one of us in here and out there to fight corruption," Cllr Warner said. 

Representing the Minister of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP), Samuel Tweah, Deputy Minister for Budget and Development Planning, Tanneh G. Brunson said in an environment like Liberia where unethical practices are prevalent, the private sector of the country needs to resort to collective action in order to change the status quo by getting regulators to intervene or set standards.

Madam Brunson stated that it was important for the sector to put in place institutional systems and incentives to prevent corruption from occurring.

The Deputy Finance and Development Planning Minister indicated that the need for preventive measures that call for credible deterrence relying on accountability and enforcement mechanisms sufficiently strong enough to send a message to potential wrongdoers of the possible risk associated with their misconducts was necessary. 

“We must, however, recognize that the local political and social context influences both the level of corruption and the reform approaches likely to meet with success or failure,” Madam Brunson said.

This year’s IACD provided a platform to state actors and the business community to dialogue on the mechanisms and approaches that heighten transparency and accountability for a conducive business environment and sustainable economic growth and development in Liberia.

Speaking earlier, the Chairperson of LACC, Cllr. Ndubusi Nwabudike called on the private sector to join the battle against corruption because according to him, the private sector is in most cases the main facilitator of corruption.

"We must intensify effort to reduce corruption. This year's theme is about the private sector because corruption goes beyond government, but in all sectors of the country,” Cllr. Nwabudike stated. 

The day-long dialogue forum which took plays on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, brought together experts and actors from both public and private sectors to present on various topics, including Liberia’s business climate in the context of the Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD) and international anti-corruption standards; diagnosis of the critical elements to improve the business climate and fight corruption; business as an active player in preventing corruption, among others. 

Thursday, 26 November 2020 16:09

Public not Private ....Government urged

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Monrovia, Liberia; November 23, 2020- The Government of Liberia has been urged to ensure that public education is made inclusive, accessible, and affordable as well as gender-sensitive and responsive in the best interest of the people of Liberia rather than the privatization of the sector. Anderson Miamen, National Coordinator of the Coalition for Transparency and Accountability in Education (COTAE) said the right to education is a fundamental human right guaranteed under different international, regional, and national framework documents, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the African Charter on Human People’s Rights, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD) and the Constitution of Liberia. Speaking at the opening of a two-day training workshop to increase stakeholders’ knowledge about the Abidjan Principles and key issues related to fulfillment of the right to education in Liberia, as such, Miamen said the Government of Liberia should ensure that education, especially public education is affordably provided to every citizen irrespective of their tribes, locations, economic statuses, sex, genders, and religions on an equal basis with similar qualities and standards as any private school or even better. The COTAE National Coordinator noted that the Abidjan Principles seeks to advance different tools to be used to promote, support, protect and defend the right to education in Liberia as well as the need to consolidate efforts aimed at increasing the support for education in the country. The Abidjan Principles came into being as a result of a group of human rights experts from around the world who adopted the instrument on the right to education. It seeks to strengthen existing efforts to ensure that everyone’s right to education is protected in the context of growing and often unregulated private actor involvement in education. In remarks, Deputy Education Minister for Planning and Research, Alton V. Kesselly said there was a need for education stakeholders, policymakers and the citizens to avoid mixing politics with education. “If we continue to mix politics with education then our education sector will continue to go backward,” Min. Kesselly said. He indicated that with the progress made by Liberian students in the just ended West Africa Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE), it was important for policymakers to prioritize the education sector of the country for the future of school-going children who are considered the future leaders. Also, the Coordinator of the Civil Society Human Rights Platform of Liberia, Adama Dempster said the gathering was important as it provided journalists with the relevant pieces of information on human rights issues. Mr. Dempster indicated that Liberia has signed a number of international conventions, but the implementation of these protocols is still posing a challenge for the Government of Liberia. “In order to show commitment as a country, we have to consider the implementation of the different protocols, especially the Abidjan Principles,” he said. The Country Director of ActionAid Liberia, Lakshmi More made a presentation on: ‘Understanding privatization and its implications for the fulfillment of the right to education in Liberia, especially for women, youths, children, minority groups and persons with special needs.’ Beneficiaries of the training appreciated COTAE for providing what they referred to as an ‘insightful’ training and vowed to amplify ongoing advocacy efforts by COTAE and others for the betterment of the country’s education sector. The day-long training workshop brought together over fifty (50) journalists from several print and electronic media institutions as well as civil society organizations in Liberia. It was organized by the Coalition for Transparency and Accountability in Education (COTAE) with support from the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA).

The Coalition for Transparency and Accountability in Education (COTAE) has formally launched a research report on innovative domestic education budgeting.

Titled: 'Improving Education through Democracy: More 4 Education- The Case for Innovative Domestic Education Budgeting: Assuring Access and Quality Outcomes,’ the research seeks to mobilize additional sources of revenue/funding for the education sector separate from the traditional national budget allocation for public institutions through alternative strategies, a process that is more innovative and feasible over short, medium, and long terms.


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Monrovia, Liberia; October 13, 2020- The Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL) has challenged staff of the organization to serve by examples as they endeavor for a society that is free of corruption, transparent and accountable.

CENTAL is the National Chapter of Transparency International (TI) which has more than 120 chapters and networks around the world.

Cllr. T. Negbalee Warner said individuals serving as staff of the organization must live above the ordinary and have personal integrity as well as develop a sense of commitment and dedication to match their deeds with work as they serve in their different communities, places of assignments, and homes.

“We have to make efforts to match our deeds with our works. To whom much is given, much is expected,” Cllr. Warner said at the opening of a one-day pre-project implementation workshop for staff on CENTAL’s National Integrity Building and Anti-Corruption (NIBA) program held at the Corina Hotel in Sinkor.

The Dean of the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law at the University of Liberia (UL) said the NIBA project represents the largest funding received by CENTAL since its establishment in 2004 to fight against corruption and bad governance in Liberia.

The National Integrity Building and Anti-Corruption (NIBA) program is a US$1.7 million project covering 3.5 years (42 months) to be implemented in seven counties- Montserrado, Grand Bassa, Gbarpolu, Bomi, Nimba, Bong, and Rivercess, with funding from the Government and people of Sweden.

The project’s overall objective is to endeavor for ‘a corruption-free Liberia where citizens act with transparency and integrity in all their dealings.’

Also speaking, the First Secretary at the Embassy of Sweden, Arto Immonen said the Embassy seeks to support civil society and other organizations working in Liberia to promote accountability and good governance in Liberia.

Mr. Immonen said as part of the Embassy’s internal appraisal process on proposals, the team takes into consideration different perspectives, including human rights, gender, the poor and marginalized, and other dimensions that promote inclusion and accountability at all levels.

He thanked the team at CENTAL for the milestone in landing the NIBA program that seeks to work for a corruption-free Liberia and expressed optimism that CENTAL will work to achieve its objectives.

The one-day gathering was held under the theme: “Building Staff Capacity to Enhance Productivity and Tackle Corruption.” It seeks to facilitate interaction, learning, and information sharing among the Board, leadership, and staff of CENTAL as well as increase staff’s awareness and understanding of key policies, programs, and activities.


CENTAL’s Executive Director Anderson D. Miamen also stressed the need for the staff of the organization to serve with a high level of integrity at all times. Mr. Miamen said if CENTAL must fairly checkmate the system and tackle corruption in Liberia, people working with the organization must be people of high integrity.


During an overview of the workshop, the Program Manager of CENTAL, Gerald D. Yeakula further highlighted the importance of the training to the attendees. He also challenged the staff, especially incoming members, to consider working with the institution as an opportunity to improve their capacity and skills to enable them to excel in the institution, nationally, and otherwise.


The one-day training brought together members of the Board, partners, office, and project staff from across the seven targeted counties- Montserrado, Grand Bassa, Gbarpolu, Bomi, Nimba, Bong, and Rivercess.

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Tubman Boulevard
Monrovia, Liberia
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